Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

Master in english?

Following Steven, Justin and David, the mighty gods, I tried the test: You are a MASTER of the English language! While your English is not exactly perfect, you are still more grammatically correct than just about every American. Still, there is always room for improvement... How grammatically sound are you ...

3 years ago...

... I became a Cocoon committer. Since then, I became committer on Avalon, and member of the Apache Software Foundation. Many thanks to the Apache community that brought me so much, both professionally and personally. Some people will think this should be the other way around and that the community should ...

The nightingale is back

Yep, this little bird just came back from its long winter african trip. I heard it singing all night long. Again. Grrrrr...

On the road again ('n again)

In a few hours, I'll be flying to Paris to give a 3-days Cocoon training. These people aready use Cocoon, and some of them regularily participate to the discussions on cocoon-users (for which I unfortunately lack time). A good occasion to put faces on names, and for them to ...

Microsoft "buying" Sun?

Read this announcement, and this one. No April's fool here, as they're dated April 2nd. Microsoft gives 700+900+350 = 1.95 billion dollars to Sun Microsystems to solve antitrust and patent issues! Oh man, is Scott McNealy crazy? Does Sun really need money to survive? What does ...

April fool

I was involved in an April fool's joke yesterday on, a french Java technology portal managed by Didier Girard. They first announced to have hired Floyd Marinescu from TSS, and then announced the organization of a conference involved many well-known frenchies, including among others Marc ...

Groovy JSR accepted

The JSR for Groovy has been accepted (via James). What's really interesting is Sun's comment in the vote: " Sun is happy to see Groovy proposed as a JSR. Having additional interesting languages for the Java platform seems like a Good Thing!" Up to now, Sun was against having ...

@author tags considered harmful

Recently, the Cocoon community decided that @author tags will be removed in source files (helped in that by a very hindsightfull explanation by Dirk-Willem Van Gullick, president of the ASF) At first, I did not like much that idea. Working on opensource projects is a personal involvment that needs some ...

Where is Avalon going?

A year ago, the Avalon project went through major problems when two of its main developers went into an irrational fight. One was fired out of the ASF (yes, his commiter rights were revoked) and the other one stayed. So the "winner" became the project leader. IMO, he should have ...

Bye bye, Claude Nougaro

Claude Nougaro passed away today at the age of 74. He was a very well-known singer in France. Jazz, blues, rock, funk: he played all of them in a very groovy way, and was doing magic with words, which he loved above all. Just listening to one of his interviews ...