Very pleasant times: two families learning to know each other, talking about life, children and watching them happily playing together. And this was amazing: Steven's children only speak flemmish wheras mine only speak french, but that wasn't an obstacle, and they found lots of ways to communicate through gestures, sometimes using their parents as translators, and also teaching each other some words in their respective language.
We went for a walk along the Canal du Midi, children running around us. At some time, Tim even took my hand to walk with me. How feeling deeply happing sometimes can be so simple...
Steven and I of course talked about Cocoon and business, but that wasn't by far the main subject.
Meeting Cocooners for real is always a pleasure.
After the Noels family was gone, we quickly packed our stuff to take the road towards the Alps on Sunday, for two weeks of long awaited vacations. That's where I'm writing this from.