Remember my pipe problem? The plumber came the day after and said "sorry, this is too much corroded, I can't fix it, the whole iron pipe has to be changed". Digging further I found there was only 1.5 meters of iron pipe in the ground, an it then connected to a non-corrodable plastic pipe. Cool, that's an easy job! No need for an excavator. Let's just replace the corroded section with a plastic pipe!
Now I had to make a hole into the house's foundations for the new pipe. I tried with my good old drill (top of picture) that has always done a good job for many years of DIY, but nope, that was too much for it.
So I went to the local construction tools rental shop, and got something more appropriate (bottom of picture). DIY tools look like toys compared to professional ones! It took me 15 minutes to have a nice hole. Drilling 50 cm of concrete is amazingly easy when you use the right tool!