Yep. Already over. 5 intense days with the usual suspects which are always good to meet, and a lot of names that I can finally associate to a face. Among them, the most noticeable for me were Dims, which I was working with on Cocoon in 2000, J Aaron Farr (and wife and daughter), Alex Karasulu and Thomas Dudziak.
We had a lot of discussions about Cocoon and its future (short and long term), and interesting BOF about JavaScript, which is now becoming a cross-cutting technology among many of the ASF projects.
There was also a coding context for Axis2, organized by the fine folks at WSO2, with an iPod Nano as the price. And guess who won it? Moi! I contributed an example allowing to write webservices in JavaScript using Rhino. Still needs to be polished though. Also, I won not because of my brilliant contribution (although it certainly is of course), but because I was the only one that submitted a contribution. Hey guys, a shiny Nano! Wasn't it motivating? Anyway, thanks a lot WSO2. I'm very happy!
I'll be leaving tomorrow morning for the looong trip that will bring me back home. See you next time chaps!