Yes, Cocoon 2.1.8 is finally out! There are a number of new features of this long-awaited release, including Ajax support for snappy form handling. However, I share Ugo's feelings: Cocoon needs more changes to bring excitement back. We need to have all the nice features of Cocoon ...
Google Base opened a few days ago. This is going to be big. You can input and store any kind of data: some prebuilt items include events, car sales, recipes, etc, and you can create your own item type by adding attributes and their type. Your public items are then ...
I'm currently pondering over the (radical) changes that Cocoon needs to stay mainstream in the changing world of web applications frameworks. Among other things, I just had a light bulb moment about JSON. JSON makes it very easy to send data to an Ajax client. As it's plain ...
Welcome to this blog's new home, years ago, I installed Movable Type on the company's server in the hope that other people there would like to blog also. That was a time where free blog hosting wasn't widespread.Now things are different, and ...
An interesting quote from a representative of Business Objects about their participation to the Eclipse Foundation: "We're embracing some of the open source areas ourselves, because we see that as an area of growth for us. It's the way people are going with some of the lower-range technologies ...
Found this interesting comparison of the respective presentation styles of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Via Benjamin .
Sometimes something appears that opens an amazing range of possibilities. So much that you don't even know where to start nor where it will lead you to. Today's finding is AFLAX, which uses new features in the recent Flash 8 that allows to script the flash player from ...
Wow, Amazon just invented Artificial Artificial Intelligence, which they name the Mechanical Turk, a reference to a well-know hoax of the 18th century. The idea is to integrate humans in business processes, for tasks that humans can easily to but that are still difficult to computers, such as image or ...
I just found an article on titled " Sprinkle Some AJAX Magic in Your Struts Web Application". Cool, I thought, let's see how Struts people ajaxify their apps. I usually don't like criticizing, but this is really too much: this article is a mountain of crap! Let ...
I already knew that Google had extended Goole Maps to the moon (hint: zoom in to see full details!), and I just found that they're hiring there too. Not sure there are still open positions, as this offer was published back in April :-)