Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

Wi-fi on Ubuntu

With the release of the new Ubuntu 5.10, my oldest kid and I decided to install Linux on the PC he's got in his room since June. Download the ISO file with BitTorrent (fast: 90 minutes!), burn it, boot the PC and here we go! During setup, the ...

Cocoon GetTogether 2005 is over

The Cocoon GetTogether 2005 is over. You can find all the presentation slides and audio recordings on the CocoonGT website, and many photos on Flickr. Three days of vivid activity and discussions that confirm the trends seen recently on the mailing-lists: Reducing Cocoon. Download a minimal Cocoon, and upgrade it ...

Cocoon Get Together, Episode IV

Yesterday, the fourth Cocoon Get Together started in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It's a really great pleasure to meet again cocooners from around the world. Lots of discussions, lots of random thoughts, and some actual work being done. Daniel and Reinhard leading the real block activity, Helma (aka "hepabolu") doing some ...

Electric shock in Cocoon land

Update: I was right, even if his interest has moved elsewhere, Stefano still believes in Cocoon and this was one of his social engineering tricks. A hard and foolish one though, because of the potential effects on our users. Update 2: This post was picked up by Eric for this ...

Aspects in JavaScript

Many people still consider JavaScript as a half-baked language, because of all the cross-browser compatibility problems. These problems however are related mostly to the browser object model and not to the language itself which is really powerful. JavaScript is a dynamic functional language that supports closures, and this brings a ...

Cocoon GetTogether program is online

The program of the upcoming Cocoon GetTogether is online. A lot of interesting sessions, with yours truly explaining how to Ajax-ify your forms. Register now!

How to Decide What Bugs to Fix When

How to Decide What Bugs to Fix When: an interesting read at ONLamp. Don't miss part 2!

XPath and the default namespace

I've several times been hit by strange behaviours of XSLT with XPath expressions involving elements in the default namespace, when this one was actually defined (e.g. ). These expressions where not matching whereas using a prefixed namespace declaration would work. I thought about a Xalan ...

Welcome Kiwi

Update: Kiwi passed away, aged 12. A few weeks ago, our cat Hercule died. Kids wanted to fill the void he left quickly, so we started looking for a kitten as soon as we came back from vacation. Yesterday, we visited a local association, l'école du chat libre (the ...

Ocean, mountain and hopefully sun

Next week the family will be in Bidart, a village between Biarritz and Saint Jean de Luz on the Basque coast. Surfer's paradise close to the Pyrénées mountains! I just hope the weather conditions will be good, which is not exactly what is planned currently...