Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

Local training

Yet another 2-days Cocoon training starting tomorrow. Avalon component model, flowscript, Cocoon Forms: the now classical advanced training. Good thing is that it's here, in Toulouse. No plane, no hotels. Cool! I will have four students that already attended the basic Cocoon training last week, which is about the ...

Using the right tool

No, it's not about Cocoon even if it is the right tool for all your web applications :-) Remember my pipe problem? The plumber came the day after and said "sorry, this is too much corroded, I can't fix it, the whole iron pipe has to be changed". Digging ...

Eclipse training

Since Tuesday I've been attending a 3-day in-house Eclipse training. For two years now our company has been developing Eclipse plugins and just as we do some Cocoon training, we now also have an Eclipse training offering. This in-house session was initially set up for intern students, but a ...

Broken pipe

No, it's not the well-known tcp/ip message indicating a lost connection. It's a real pipe, the one that brings water to my house (french translation below). This morning, when going to work, my wife saw some water flowing on the ground near the garage door, which is ...

5 simple rules for building a manageable Cocoon 2.2 application

Gianugo gives us 8 simple rules for building a manageable Cocoon application. These are very pragmatic rules that every Cocoon user should know and use. But out of these 8 rules, 3 will become obsolete in the upcoming 2.2 version of Cocoon: rule 1 (excluding blocks): with Cocoon 2 ...

Google Maps: technically impressive

The blogosphere only talks about Google Maps today. I've looked at it, and feature-wise, I'm not that impressed. For years, I've been using Mappy which provides the same and more with a very friendly and reactive Flash-based GUI. And in some locations, Mappy also provides aerial photographs ...

Attracting smart developers

Our company is attracting more and more smart developers in the Toulouse area. Look at what wrote Benjamin, a new recruit at Anyware Technologies. Wow, I hope we'll be up to his comparison ;-) More and more people are asking us for a job, having heard of us by word ...

French-speaking Cocoon users list

The new french-speaking mailing-list for Cocoon users has just gone live. More info (in french) in the new fr-zone of the Cocoon website.


I nearly forgot about it as I was so excited by all the discussions I had at ObjectWebCon: I'm 38 since yesterday. Only 2 years to go before 40... Ouch!

Meeting the ObjectWeb community

I'm at the ObjectWebCon '05 today and tomorrow. This conference takes place in Lyon, which is way closer for me than ApacheCon in Las Vegas! A lot of interesting sessions are planned, and a lot of interesting people to meet. There will be a BOF on ASF/ObjectWeb relationships ...