Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

Ajax in Cocoon: dead simple!

Buzz buzz buzz... Today, I added Ajax support to Cocoon, starting with form handling. How do you Ajaxify a form? Add ajax="true" to your form-template element. How do you write a new Ajax-aware widget styling? Just output plain HTML. How to handle non Ajax-able browsers? Nothing to do, it ...

Continuations explained to C programmers

Sam Ruby writes an awesome essay on continuations, taking you progressively from the close-to-the-metal execution stack in C to dynamic scopes, closures and continuations. A must read if continuations are still a mysterious thing for you. And of course he mentions Cocoon that, let's remind it, brought continuations to ...

Lepido: come in, it's open!

The awaited Lepido newsgroup has been created at Eclipse. If you're interested and want to participate to this new project, please join news:// Remember, registration is required to access the newsgroup. See you there!

Off to China

No, not me, but my oldest kid (he will be 14 next month). He left this morning for a 2 weeks journey in China that is organized by his school: a group of 15 children aged 12 to 15, driven by 5 adults. Quite an exceptional trip, made possible by ...

Announcing Eclipse Lepido, an opensource IDE for Apache Cocoon

I'm very pleased to announce the creation of the Eclipse Lepido project, which aims at building an opensource tooling for Apache Cocoon based on the Eclipse platform. The purpose of Lepido is both to help newcomers to more easily get started, and to bring a number of tools to ...

New spam stragegy

Here's the kind of spam I'm receiving lately. I kept only the first line, there are 3 more. I'm sure you can easily guess what they are :-) Clever hack to fool spam filters, but seriously how's going to buy something to people sending this? Please copy ...

Cocoon 2.1.7 is out!

Ugo, Matthew, Carsten and Bertrand already announced it: Cocoon 2.1.7 has been released! This is a maintainance release while version 2.2 is maturing. Kudos to the whole team!

DROA wants my domains

Yesterday I received a paper letter (yes, snail mail!) from Domain Name Registry Of America (DROA) warning me that some of the domains I own will soon expire and should be renewed. The text is rather clear about the fact that its an offer to switch to a different registrar ...

Meritocracy, doocracy and Iwilldoitocracy

Henry explains his view on the decision process at Jakarta. An interesting read, and I share his opinion except that what he names "meritocracy" should better be named "doocracy". Meritocracy is the recognition people gain from what they've done in the past, and not from what they're doing ...

Cocoon 2.2 will rock!

Since december, a number of small but important features have been added to Cocoon's main development branch that really make life easier when developping applications. Includes in cocoon.xconf and sitemap component declarations. In the 2.1.x branch, there is only one configuration file that results from the ...