Cocoon is slow? Urban legend! Look at some impressive tests results for a site that handles millions of requests per day.
In a few hours, I'll be leaving for a 2-days advanced Cocoon training in Mayenne, in the west part of France, where I will teach Woody & Flowscript to 10 people. This is the third training session I do for this customer, which makes around 30 people trained in a ...
Like many others, I was intived (by Ovidiu) to join the new social networking service mentioned everywhere in the blogosphere, Orkut. I registered, started linking to close friends I found there, added myself to some groups, etc. Ah, when registering, I carefully omitted to answer some very personal questions this ...
Yesterday was Macintosh's 20th birthday. I remember when I it was announced. This is one of the very few events in the computer history that are engraved into my memory. I was in high school at that time, and had bought my Apple //e a few weeks before, for ...
The news leaked through a comment in Torsten's blog (Andrew noticed it): I ordered a Mac yesterday. A nice 15" PowerBook. Finally. For me, it will be a switch back to those computers I've been loving for so many years (1987!). The important change is that I will ...
Stefano finally went through the bureaucratic hassles and goes to the MIT to work on the semantic web. Considering this has been one of its pet subjects for a long time, we can expect very nice things coming out of this now that he will be paid to work on ...
I always found tablet PCs to be either too big to be considered as mobile devices (PDAs are better for this) and not powerful enough to be real PCs (a real laptop is not that bigger). But yesterday, I finally found what they're useful for: I had to write ...
Tim Bray is looking for a job. I stumbled across this sentence in the " What I can't do" section: I don't enjoy project management, which requires struggling with the youthful programmer's over-optimism that I've never managed to lose. Hehe, how much I do share this feeling ;-)
2003 is over very soon, and this is the occasion for a quick look behind to the major things that year brought me.At home, this year saw a major "refactoring" of the garden. Half of it was totally redone, including a swimming pool (regular readers already know this). Kids ...
We're on vacation near Paris at my parents-in-law's. Family Christmas, sight-seeing in Paris, and... they have a nice PowerMac (dual 1GHz G4) running Panther! I rushed on this jewel as soon as we arrived to see if all I need to work is available there. I want some ...