Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

I want a Mac!!!

Yes, enough is enough! I want a Mac! I owned a Mac at a time where other people laughed at it. "A mouse and fancy icons? This is a toy!" they said back in 1987 when I bought a Macintosh SE. Yes, but at that time, I added a 21 ...

Eclipse moving to OSGi

The Eclipse IDE is changing its internal runtime. There was an ongoing study named "Equinox" to evaluate different frameworks, including Avalon. But the choice of the Eclipse team is OSGi, which is a normalized platform for handling Java services. Strange thing is that other candidates seem to have not been ...

Cocoon gaining momentum

Seems like the Cocoon-related presentations that were given at ApacheCon helped a lot of people to know what Cocoon really is today. Ovidiu's presentation about flowscript and continations seems to have had the greatest impact: James Strachan has raised continuations support as the top item in his JVM enhancements ...

On the road to Paris

In the coming hours, we'll be leaving to Paris for the XML Forum exhibition. 700 km in a car packed with all the stuff needed for our booth. Arrival at the end of the afternoon, then hurry to set up the booth so that everything is nice and shiny ...

LOAF implemented in XSL!

LOAF is getting mainstream, and Matthew and Bertrand, very aware of new technological trends, already noticed it. There are some implementations in Java, Perl, C, C++, Python and even Word Basic. But LOAF can also be implemented in less traditional programming languages like XSLT. So here it is: the first ...

Rédacteur sur / Editor on

Contrarily to other posts, this one is in french. You'll understand why by reading the english version below... est le portail de la communauté XML francophone. Jeudi dernier, j'ai répondu à un article à propos du format des fichers de OpenOffice (des fichiers XML dans une ...

DSL at home again!

Hooray, I have DSL at home again!I wanted to change my ISP from one who charged 45€/month for a 512kbps connection to a new player in the french DSL market which offers the same speed for 25€/month.But the new ISP is victim of its success, and ...

Broken arms

Yesterday, my oldest kid (Corentin, 12) went to the ice rink with his friends. And what happens when you go skating only a few times a year? You fall on your ass. And you instinctinvely use your arms to avoid hurting your ass. So you hurt the arms. This is ...

Safari on Windows?

Apple has released iTunes on Windows. And iTunes uses the Safari browser internally.Will we have soon Safari available on Windows? The browser war is just starting...PS: yeah, I know, some people will comment that I should buy a real computer, with Safari built in ;-)

The party's over

The second Cocoon Get Together is over. Two great days, meeting again cocooners I already knew and meeting new ones. The most noticeable new face I was given to know is Vadim Gritsenko, that nobody ever met before. He's a very smart and kind guy.It was hard to ...