Sylvain Wallez

Random musings of a busy geek

Member of the Apache Software Foundation !

Yes, to my biggest surprise, and biggest pride, I've been elected as a member of the Apache Software Foundation. More than being an active participant of the Cocoon project, I am now an integral part of this organisation that brought me so much nice things in the last 3 ...

Orixo launched

Commercial support for Open Source solutions just got better.

Rumble : great news are coming very soon

As you may have noticed ( Bertrand did), a number of Cocooners have been teasing last week about an important upcoming event. I'm part of this game also. Just an additional clue : last week, I have given a Cocoon training, and talked about some Europe-wide Cocoon training and support. Stay ...

Google's recursive indexing

Funny : I searched "cocoon hibernate" on Google and found this page. Ok, it talks about Hibernate, but where is Cocoon ? It's in the referrers list : someone has hit this page before me by doing the same query as I did, and Google's referrer URL was added to the ...

French translation of Cluetrain and other evangalisation material

I've been for a long time deploring the lack of a french translation of Cluetrain (BTW, what's the meaning of this word?). Not the manifesto, which is translated, but the whole book. Why so ? Because I want people in my company to be aware of all the good ...

Virtuality as strong as reality

In these Matrix days, Carsten relates his feelings after JAX 2003 : virtual communities are actually very real. This is something we (Cocooners) all experience each time we meet physically : good old friends chatting of everyday life, just as we met a few days before.This is because we actually met ...

Cocoon flow in Java

Ovidiu tells us about Cocoon flow controller implemented in Java. Wow, this is something I've been dreaming of for a long time, and had some deep thoughts about just yesterday while digging the soil in my garden (yes, physical work frees the brain, and this is often at that ...

Bertrand discovers LF5

Bertrand discovers LogFactor5, the swing GUI for log messages. A nice feature Marcus and I added to Cocoon several months ago, that obviously deserves some more marketing ! Another important Bertrand-related news : Chips has 6 puppies ! Congrats to the happy (or tired ?) mother, and welcome to Rizzo, Rudi, Belle, Bulle, Franky ...

Swimming-pool milestone 1

Today was the grand opening of our swimming pool. I call it "milestone 1" (reference to Cocoon is not a coincidence ;-) since it's functionnal, but not finished. As you can see on the picture, there's still a lot to do around it. Nevertheless, kids like it. And parents ...


Nicola Ken says that we, hackers, are in fact addicts living in a tribe. He's right. Addiction comes because you're working (can we still call this "work" ?) with people that "share some neurons" with you, as Steven likes to say, on stuff that you have chosen to work ...