For 4 years now, at the end of April, a nightingale comes back in the group of trees (a 500 m 2 forest) near my house after having spent the winter in Africa. Nightingales are small birds that sing like no others : nice, loud and sophisticated songs. But the problem ...
I'll be on vacation this week. No travel plans, I stay at home. But I won't be unoccupied : I'm finishing building my swimming pool ! I started to fill it with water today, and kids are now asking "daddy, when can we go in ?". Wait, wait, kids : first ...
The great Stefano starts blogging. And, it's no surprise, he wrote his own blogging tool with Cocoon (you can download it). Linotype (that's its name) uses Cocoon's flow engine. This engine is drastically changing my way of building webapps, since it makes previously complicated things so simple ...
XMLForm is a solution provided by Cocoon to handle forms. It's composed of two parts : an Action, which is supposed mimic Struts, and a Transformer, which handles population of form data from the data model using an XForms-like syntax. I always found the XMLForm action to be too ...
Two Cocooners now have a weblog : welcome, Marcus and Torsten ! This is an opportunity for me to update my blogroll.
Yesterday, Stefano resigned from being the Cocoon PMC chairman. Wow, strange times when the creator no more wants to drive his baby. Anyway, he explained his reasons, and we can understand them : Stefano wants to keep his freedom to be the one that touches where it hurts, for the greatest ...
Russel tells us a nice story about his terrible night with his sick baby vomiting around every 20 minutes. I guess every parent (including me) had this kind of experience of sick babies crying and puking the whole night long and feeling miraculously better when the day comes, while their ...
Cocoon is currently experiencing something strange : Ivelin Ivanov decided to "go away" with XMLForm to develop it independently of Cocoon. I prepared a long entry about this, but you won't read it as I applied Stefano's two-emails pattern and trashed it. Some parts of it, though : Ivelin is ...
Time to blog again. I went through some difficult weeks with too much work... both at work and at home. This is going better now : I only have too much work... at work ! An important Cocoon-related news these days is the 1.0 release of sunBow, an Eclipse plugin that ...
Steven compares the now-open-read-only to a monkey house in a zoo. Considering the agitation that is going on there sometimes, he may not be totally wrong, but I wish the windows stay opaque from the inside so that we don't act like the monkeys he encountered ...