Today, cocoon-dev looked like a chat room. Carsten and I, seconded by Nicola Ken and Stephan, were discussing at the speed of light on some design and naming issues. In other groups this kind of discussions quickly turn to flame wars, but this almost never happens on Cocoon. Discussions are ...
Matthew is wondering how to remind himself of ideas that emerge out of its fruitful brain in mobile situations (such as in the bus or on his bike). Two answers for you, Matthew : the geek answer : buy a PDA like the cool Sony Cli� (yes, I have one) or a ...
Today it's snowing here in Toulouse. This hasn't occured for 3 or 4 years, so it's a real event, and people are absolutely not used to that. My sons were jumping everywhere when they saw the garden covered by white cotton, while my wife was very anxious ...
Between Christmas and New Year, we went to Paris to visit our family (both my wife's and mine). Lots of gifts, lots of food ! We also visited the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland Paris. Lots and lots of people :-( Disneyland has a very carefully crafted queue management : people park lanes ...
I wish you all, known and unknown readers, a happy new year. Feel free to add comments so that you are less unknown ;-)
Matthew writes a funny modern Christmas tale. Do you think Santa has read ClueTrain ? Happy Christmas to all of you !
IBM buys Rational ! In the IDE market, Borland also recently acquired TogetherSoft which had just bought Webgain. All these companies are members of the Eclipse Consortium, my IDE of choice. What does it mean for its future ? Something that, among others, explains the fast acceptance of Eclipse is the support ...
One more Cocooner to have a blog : welcome, Nicola Ken ! Also, Ovidiu puts some random pictures from his picture albums on blogs entries. Nice !
Not much active on Cocoon these days : I'm under high load. Several ongoing projects, all being late... But the interesting news (exclusive for my blog readers!), is that I wrote a CVS source for Cocoon for one of these projects. It's a writeable source, meaning that you can ...
Discovered Googlism today through Marc. First thing I asked this engine is not my name, as most egocentric people would have (yeah, I'm often one of those), but my beloved cocoon. And what came out first ? Well, check it out by yourself. Damn, how can we change the ranking ...