Frustrated, that's what I am currently. Frustrated about not being able to participate in Cocoon development when so much is going on so fast there. And I'm starting to post some rants, which is clearly not my habit and reveals this frustration. It has been months since I ...
Who's that guy ? A new colleague ? No, it's Marc Potier, from the Outerthought fame, which I visited with some other interesting people today. Cold but sunny in Belgium. I enjoyed Gent this time. Last time I went there, back in november, it was foggy and I couldn't ...
This week was digital : I have a brand new laptop, which replaces my desktop PC at work. I call it "my mobile office". Before that, I was permanently transferring files between the desktop PC, some of the self-service laptops at work and my home PC. Waste of time, and even ...
Marc relates a strange experience when training people in a large company. Although they pretented to know Java, they actually did not know much about it. We have a saying in France : "in the land of blind people, one-eyed ones are kings". Marc obviously met the one-eyed people of that ...
Today, Carsten proposed me as an Avalon committer. Some of the votes were accompanied by compliments. This was really pleasant and ego-flattering ;-) I'm honoured to be part of the Avalon project. Even if it has gone through major difficulties recently (and they're not totally over), I consider Avalon ...
Yeah ! Cocoon is now a top-level Apache project. You will soon have to update your bookmarks from to Most of the active committers (including me) are members of the new Cocoon PMC. We now have to write our charter and rules ...
Today is my 36th birthday. Last square number was 25 (wow, I was young at that time), and next one will be 49 (wow, I'll be old at that time). Time goes on, and seems to speed up each year. My theory about this is that the fraction of ...
Back in december, I blogged about the CVS protocol I was working on. I'm please to announce its availability on Steven kindly accepted to host this because of some LGPL constraints that forbid it to be at Apache. This was the occasion of some pleasant chat sessions ...
We used to call Ovidiu "our favorite HP employee". And today he announces he's leaving HP for the famous Google. So from now on he will be "our favorite Google employee" (actually, he's the only one I know). I hope to see one day the "powered by Cocoon ...
Michael Melhem and Jeff Turner have been proposed (here and here) and massively voted as new Cocoon committers. Funny how such nominations are "in the air" : I was thinking or proposing Michael when Ovidiu did it. Apparently, Steven had the same idea at the same time. Michael is a great ...