The creation review just finished successfully: Lepido, Tools for Apache Cocoon, is now an official Eclipse project. In the coming days the infrastructure will be set up, and the real work will start!
Apache launches "Harmony", a new and independent implementation of J2SE 5.0 under the Apache license. This project is likely to change the Java landscape, if it comes to life, by federating energies around a fully-featured opensource Java implementation. Once we have that, Java will be no more considered as ...
Matthew is kind enough to publish the slides of his forthcoming presentation about the five years he spent looking at, using, getting involved and finally making a business with opensource products. A lot of things that sound very familiar to me, the most surprising to non-involved people being that customer ...
... or better said above my garden :-) Today was the first flight of the new giant plane from Airbus. Living near Toulouse where this event occured, I had the pleasure to see this huge beast turning above my garden on its way back to the airport. Of course I do not ...
Yesterday, I had a videochat with Bertrand's students (well, he is a pro also). One of the questions was "how can you make a living if you work on opensource stuff?" Well, precisely, working on opensource stuff helps me to make a living. More and more customers are opensource-aware ...
François Letellier, of ObjectWeb fame informed me of a "Middleware and Infrastructure Software" track at the " Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre" (Libre Software Meeting -- the english version omits "mondiales" which means "worldwide") which will take place July 5th to 9th in France. I won't be there (vacation in Iceland ...
An interesting post explaining that REST and continuations really are complementary. Every important resource should have an URI and be bookmarkable whereas we need stateful interactions to modify them in an efficient way. And Cocoon is the ideal platform for this: the sitemap is the REST switchboard that maps URIs ...
Adobe buys Macromedia. That certainly means that some of their competing products will die, but that's not the main point. Adobe has been a fervent supporter of SVG as a way to compete with Macromedia's Flash. And the Adobe SVG viewer is the most widespread SVG implementation out ...
Feels good to sometimes be the super-hero of the day :-) This fake was made by Stefano back in January (incidentally this was my birthday) when we were joking about having a "committer of the month".
Bertrand is currently giving an XML/Cocoon training in a swiss school, and proposed me to give a short videoconferencing talk to explain students what we're doing with Cocoon. That was the pretext he was waiting for to finally buy an iSight :-) Entering now the firewall configuration problem... To ...